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The legality of recording calls


Call recorder systems for small to medium enterprises

How has your business kept up with technology?

Retaining existing customers, controlling costs and seeking competitive advantages in a difficult economic environment can be a challenging combination. Many companies and organisations, however, thrive in such circumstances.


There can be no doubt that the pace of technological developments and change within the communications industry has accelerated in recent times. The internet alone has demonstrated this to us all and opened up a myriad of commercial opportunities for businesses.

We understand that for small to medium enterprises, the prospect of using technology for commercial advantage can be daunting. If you get it right, you could see that your business is transformed. If you get it wrong however, it could be an expensive mistake that could have more than a negative financial cost. Call recorder systems are often regarded as the preserve of large companies with big budgets, but we can help you find cost effective and practical call recording systems that are ideal for small to medium enterprises. Get in touch with Efficient Comms Ltd in Plymouth and Devon to find a system that is ideal for your business.

In the UK, recording calls is legal and there is no need to tell a caller they are being recorded, although many companies do so out of politeness. The legislation surrounding which type of calls must be recorded is however more complex. The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has issued guidelines which state all calls where money is transacted must be recorded. This includes selling any form of product or service. If you are taking customer credit card details then you should check further rules and guidelines yourself online.

man picking up a telephone call conference on a video phone video telephone